it was nice to meet you!

Thank you so much for attending
Next Steps 101. It was an honor to have you. You might be thinking to yourself
"I attended what?".  
Below you will find a list of the next steps you can take in your journey with Jesus.

Why Take Your Next Steps

At the Grove we believe that growth doesn't happen by chance but happens purposefully.  We aim to see you take your next step in your journey with Jesus.   Spiritual growth is intentional and purposeful. It means making a conscious effort to understand God's plan for our lives. Next Steps is our way of simplifying the process of helping others continue to mature and develop.  We think everyone has one more step to take!

Next Steps

Next Steps 201

In step 201, we will dive into your design. This class is all about discovering your gifts, personality, and passion. The goal is to begin the journey of discovering your purpose and learn how you can make a difference in the life of others. 201 is an hour-long class every 3rd Sunday of the month after the 11:00 service. 

Begin Serving

We live like: Serving is our Privilege. We are called to serve. Serving isn’t an obligation it’s a privilege. We believe that if you are too big to serve, you are too small to lead. Jesus didn’t come to be served, but to serve. We are honored that you are ready to take your next steps at The Grove! Below you will find a link to the different teams that you can begin serving on.

Get Baptized

We believe that water baptism is a public declaration of three important things: that you are a follower of Jesus Christ, you are beginning a changed life in Christ, and you are part of a new family.

Our next baptism is scheduled for Feb 9th 2025

Join a Small Group

It’s impossible to grow without the support of others – you were made for relationship! Community is our design.

We are in the process of putting together our 2025 small groups and will be rolling those out in February!
With the right relationships, you can find freedom from your struggles, no matter what you’re facing. Small Groups exist to help you develop community built on meaningful connection, encouragement, and spiritual growth. No matter your age, stage of life, or point in your journey with God, being supported by others makes all the difference.


Wonder what the next step is for your pre-teen and teenager is? Every Wednesday at 7pm our Youth Group meets at The Star Center - 9768 Warren G Abernathy Hwy - Spartanburg. Pastor Chaz and Ellie DuBois have a passion for seeing Middle and High School students come to know Jesus and begin to own their faith as they grow into young adults. 

Begin Giving

We Live to Give
We purposely pray for God’s blessings in our lives, not to keep but to give. We value a truly significant lifestyle of giving and serving others with all God has entrusted to us. When we give, we affirm our commitment to the ongoing mission of The Grove Church.  As we continue to give generously with our time, talent, and resources, we believe we’ll experience the joy of seeing God transform lives.

Find Ways to Connect!

The Grove has so many other events outside of Sunday Mornings. Make sure to stay in the know about whats going on.

Download the Grove App 

The Grove app is a great way to connect during the week. You can listen to sermons, view upcoming events, sign up for small groups and tithe all in the same place. 

we would love to hear from you. You may have questions and we welcome them.